I'm not lazy, at all... *cough*
Something we've all been waiting for, I think-- and that's another Pokemon that isn't a Legendary to come along and knock Zapdos off of the Uniquely-Typed list... and it was something me and octaneblue (iirc, I've seen a few people say it, after all) have been expecting. A flying Squirrel Pokemon!
However, I for one was expecting it to be an evolution of Pachirisu, and while it still could be, I'm not really 100% convinced. (something like 60%-70%) Things that could indicate it may be an evolution of Pachirisu would be the black marks coming from the top of its head-- they look somewhat similar to those on Pachirisu's, and though a very flimsy similarity, its eyes do kind of look the same as Pachi's, as do its cheek pouches (which also happen to be the same colour as well, just to point that out).
But then I look at its ears and think, "Well, that's pretty different..." and its tail is a lot different from Pachirisu's, as well. But then again, when a Pokemon evolves, they do undergo extreme changes, in some cases. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what else gets said about Emonga. It also has Static as its only listed ability at the moment, of which I believe Pachirisu also had Pick-Up, as well.
I do like it, though-- even if it doesn't turn out to be a Pachirisu evolution.
Awesome. A freaking SWAN Pokemon. About time, and nice to see another Water/Flying Pokemon, even if Electric Pokemon are going to be absolutely evil towards her...
It might look plain, but I personally love the design of Swana. I'll probably try using her as my Flyer, if she's early enough in the game. Otherwise, she'll definitely be part of my first Generation V team.
My opinion hasn't changed about this Pokemon from itd basic to its evolution. The design reminds me a lot of Bidoof & Bibarel and I absolutely HATED those two...
Well crud. I guess Sturdy is going to be a commonly used ability in Generation V, now that it certifies Focus Sash-like possibilities without having to use the the held item for the effect.
But anyway, as for the Pokemon itself, I think I'm a little indifferent to it. It doesn't seem to be the evolution of anything and adds to the quota of pure Rock-typed Pokemon. Not really got much more to add.
This really looks like an evolution of a Pokemon don't you think? More specifically, I feel this may be an evolution of Luvdisc, due to the design and colour scheme it has adopted, at least for the most part. I get the feeling its a female-only Pokemon though and if it is an evolution of Luvdisc, maybe there's also a male version of Luvdisc hidden to us, hmm?
The only problem with that would be it would take up another valuable slot, when a simple gender difference could sway my opinion for it solely being a Luvdisc evolution. Who knows...
You know a game is awesome when they start making new features like they did in Generation II. The seasons system that is going to be in the games, and the fact that said system will affect what Pokemon appear, as well as the appearance of Shikijika, has had me smiling through even my unhappy times, during this past week or so.
As with Swana, Shikijika looks a little plain and isn't really anything amazingly special, except for the fact its appearance during certain seasons. But I suppose that's kind of what I like about both of them-- they're simple in their execution and aren't outragiously over the top. I probably won't use Shikijika in-game, but there's a long while until the games hit the US and UK-- I could end up using it, if I feel like it.
Unless I get a Japanese copy of the game next month, lol */unlikely*
Its a bug.
What? You were expecting more?
...okay... it kind of makes me think of a fusion between Burmy and Caterpie, and I don't really have a strong opinion on it, either way. No doubt it will be our token Bug-type Pokemon of the Generation.
The basic form of, or the baby form of Hihidarumma, it would seem. I don't have much of an opinion on baby Pokemon either, to be honest, so I can't really say much. Other than it kind of looks like a Burmy that would end up evolving into a Bug/Fire-type.
I get the feeling this Pokemon is going to be like Carvahna from Generation III, mainly because it looks like a Pirahna. I'd venture to guess that this Pokemon will probably have Rough Skin as one of its abilities. Looks interesting enough, I suppose. Though the image I've seen isn't all that big...
To quote my sister, "It kind of looks like a rabbit thing with bells on its ears."
I honestly didn't notice the small orb thing that seems to be dangling from its ear in the small image of the Pokemon that we've got. But I'd have to agree-- it kind of does look like that.
This is another Pokemon I don't really have a strong opinion of yet.
Its a shame this Pokemon is an early event for the games... because I have this nagging feeling that I'll probably not be able to get the games in time to download it, even with the UK release. (since I've not even got a job, yet...)
I can guarantee that if I had one, I'd be running around killing stuff just to be able to say, "V for Victory!" like Precis from Star Ocean: Second Evolution. xD
Overall, I like the design. Though it does kind of look a little off, in Pokemon terms... or maybe its just me. *shrugs*
A Note on Hatooboo
I like how we've seen nothing about this Pokemon since that one screen shot...
Anyway! Keep an eye out for the next entry, which'll probably be about the 'Dream World' and a few other features planned for the games.
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