As people will have probably already noticed, there have been several 'reveals' of new Pokemon. Some are yet unconfirmed and the first I'll add here is just beta art, apparently. But according to another image, it could be the 'final design', if it IS real.
There are four Pokemon on here that are new; two beween Jessie and the new girl stood next to Ash and two that seem to be evolutions of the Water and Grass Starters, Mijumaru and Tsutaja. Of these, only one has an apparent confirmed name; the one flying near Jessie's head is apparently a bat Pokemon called Koromori. (who wants to bet Koromori will be a Pokemon acquired by one of the dumbtastic duo?) Since the art is so blurry and small, I can't really pass comment too much, but I will say that I'm not really impressed with what is apparently the next stage for Mijumaru... Tsutaja's apparent evolution seems okay. About as I'd have expected it to evolve.
These are the latest unconfirmed new Pokemon. The one on the left is actually the one on the ground between Jessie and the new girl in the beta art above. (by the looks of it) I'd assume it to be a Ground-type Pokemon, as it reminds me a lot of Gible.
The green thing looks a little weird... it reminds me of that dang-awful annoying flying thing from Sonic Unleashed called Chip and I couldn't stand him... I'd assume its the previous evolution of another Pokemon coming up; both these are currently unnamed, as the beta art is too trashed to tell what the text is next to them. (though the green thing isn't on the beta art)
On the right, circled in green, there is a mole-like Pokemon in the announced triple battle. (something I'll be talking about later, in a new entry) We can only see its back here, so I can't really say much about it, other than I believe this will be the first mole-like Pokemon since Diglett and Dugtrio in Generation I. Its apparent evolution to follow.
Here's the apparent evolution of Moguryu. We get a decent frontal view of this one, and I guess it looks okay. That 'drill piece' on top of its head kind of looks like a helmet-like item based on the fact that Doryuuzu's nose is at least a similar length. It also apparently has a new attack, but I forget.
Here's a thought... maybe this Pokemon is the evolved form of the little brown thing further up the page! Oh well...
This one kind of reminds me of a couple fossil Pokemon; Kabutops and Armaldo, to be exact. Looks pretty decent.
What the hell? A sarcophagus? Are you serious?
Undoubtedly at least a Ghost-type. Though it begs the question as to why there's a Sarcophagus Pokemon, anyway... I kinda take this as another reason to think this is a Pokemon game that is outside the obvious Japanese settings of the previous games. However flimsy it may be.
Finally, another Spider Pokemon that, from what we can see, looks pretty awesome. It'll probably be of the Bug- and Poison-types, like Ariados was, before it. It actually has a kind-of Ariados stance about it though... wouldn't you say...? Ahh, probably just me.
As you can probably tell, I'm looking forward to this Pokemon, too.
These three Pokemon haven't been given names, as yet. Though I'd go as far as to say that I feel the one on the left will probably be the evolved form of the green thing mentioned earlier in this entry. My original thought though, was that it might be either an evolved form or pre-evolution form of Carnivine.
The one in the middle looks really nasty. I really have to say, there have been fakemon and fanworks out there that look better than this guy. That's including the scary Jynx evolutions I've come across. I doubt it, but maybe its an attempt to make Probopass look less stupid. Which it semi-succeeds in doing, in my opinion. But not by much.
I have no idea what the thing on the right is supposed to be. Kind of looks like a cross between a slinky and a cat, or something... really weird...
I'll be looking at how things are on the new gaming additions, such as Triple Battling in the next entry, which will probably be in the next few days, and if not, the weekend. Until then.
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