July 11, 2010

Pokemon Black & White: New Silhouette

Pokemon Sunday have shown a silhouette of a new Flying-type Pokemon and I've decided to come on here and give a bit of speculation as to what the Pokemon could be.

The editor on Serebii.net says that there is no chance of it being the Pokemon that could be Mamepato's evolution, Hatooboo... and I'd have to agree. The design of the silhouette doesn't look at all like Hatooboo.

For reference:

Final Stage of Mamepato?

The design of the silhouette doesn't suggest it to be of the same kind of Pokemon as Mamepato, which is obviously a Pokemon based on a pigeon. If you ask me, the shape of the silhouette looks more like a hawk or eagle of some sort.

My Opinion: Not Possible

An evolution of Fearow?

I'd say that this is a possibility. To me, the design of the wings look somewhat similar to those of Fearow and the feathers around its talons look a little raggedy. One thing that doesn't really support it would be the fact that the beak is short, while Fearow's is long. It does seem to have some sort of crest on its head, though.

My Opinion: Possible

A Branch Evolution for Pidgeotto!?

Of the thoughts on this being an evolution of a Pokemon from a previous Generation, I think this one is the more likely, mainly because the shape of the Pokemon looks strikingly similar to that of Pidgeot. However, I personally don't think this will be a branch evolution of Pidgeotto and will likely not introduce another stage of evolution to allow for Pidgeot to evolve, instead.

My Opinion: Possible

This new Pokemon... 'Bald Eagle-like', maybe?

Yes, I'd have guessed people would have figured I'd bring this up... along with my thoughts of the Isshu Region having the possibility of being set in the 'western world' due to some of the things that were included and announced in the Region earlier, the announcement of this Pokemon silhouette got me thinking even more about it, as this could very well fall into the category of the bald eagle of this Region. Though maybe not; looking at the silhouettes' head, there is some sort of a crest-like shape on its head, which I'm pretty sure bald eagles don't have.

My Opinion:(Personal) Strong Possibility

But hey, this is all just my speculation. This new Pokemon could just be like Skarmory; a Pokemon that doesn't evolve. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. There are probably more comparisons I could make to other Pokemon, but these were the ones that I thought were the more obvious, obscure, or just plain biased opinions of a fan of Pokemon.
I mean, these are the ones I thought were the more interesting to list.


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