Following are the Pokemon that I've come to like based on their design, but I'll list the apparent stats of them as well, for those who want to see how hard-hitting this Generation potentially is.
In Dex Order:
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Evolves from: Jyanobii (Level 36)
Supposed Stats: HP- 75; Atk- 75; Def- 95; Sp.A- 75; Sp.D- 95; Spd- 113
Of the final stage Starters, Jaroda has actually become the one I prefer over the rest. It honestly looks a lot better than Pokabu's (by far!) and Mijumaru's by the fact it still stays true to what the Pokemon is and doesn't act pretentious with a Fighting-type plastered to it.
Stat-wise, it looks to be more of a fast, but bulky Pokemon, which will probably unfortunately still be outclassed by Venusaur for usefulness, and Meganium for bulk. (I do believe she has better defenses that Jaroda) In terms of Speed, Sceptile has it beat, and though frail, still has a strong enough Special Attack power to hit back hard.
Type: Dark
Ability: Limber/Unburden
Evolves from: Choroneko (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 63; Atk- 88; Def- 50; Sp.A- 88; Sp.D- 50; Spd- 106
This Pokemon has similar colouring to Choroneko, only with light brown/goldish colouring where Choroneko had white. Looks like a panther, and has a pretty cool design, if I'm fairly honest.
Its stats aren't much to write home about, but with Unburden, this Pokemon has a fair bit of potential; Give it a Leichi/Petaya Berry and if you're lucky enough not to get OHKO'd, this Pokemon will be extremely dangerous, so long as your opponent isn;t a Fighting-type or has a priority move. With a pretty decent Speed stat, I think this Pokemon will see a fair use.
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Pigeon Heart/Super Luck
Evolves from: Hatooboo (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 80; Atk- 105; Def- 80; Sp.A- 65; Sp.D- 55; Spd- 93
This is only based on the Pokemon's male design; its much more colourful and it has a little red mask that looks pretty cool. This is another Pokemon that doesn't deviate completely from its intended design and looks pretty cool for it. Not as awesome as Pidgeot, but still pretty nice.
Obviously going to fall into a similar role as Staraptor, with a decent Attack and Speed stat, but it has a good HP and Defense stat too, so it could probably take a few physical hits before getting KO'd. Definitely not going to like Special-based Pokemon, though.
Type: Electric
Ability: Lightningrod/Motor drive
Evolves from: Shimama (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 75; Atk- 100; Def- 63; Sp.A- 80; Sp.D- 63; Spd- 93
I really like the design of Zebraika-- it really looks like a Pokemon you wouldn't want to mess with and finally gives some light on another equine species; something not really seen since Ponyta and Rapidash from Generation I, if memory serves.
This is going to be an interesting Pokemon to see online; like Rapidash, its physical Attack power is better than its Special, which unless some new physical Electric-type moves come out, could really hinder this Pokemon, as what had happened with Luxray in Generation IV before it. One to watch, especially with such a nice Speed AND Motor Drive.
Type: Normal
Ability: Healing Heart/Regeneration
Evolves from: N/A
Supposed Stats: HP- 103; Atk- 60; Def- 86; Sp.A- 60; Sp.D- 86; Spd- 50
People have compared this Pokemon to Chansey/Blissey, based on the fact that both are essentially Pokemon based around the ability of healing wounds, at least where Tabunne is concerned, based on her attacks. But to be honest, I'd be more inclined to compare her to Clefable, because the defensive stats are on a somewhat similar level, and she has a pretty nice design-- much better, in fact, than that stupid pink thing, Blissey.
This Pokemon is no doubt going to be used as a defensive Pokemon, and will be pretty potent in Doubles, giving people a Pokemon that has the ability to heal others directly, instead of counting on Wish and a lucky switch. One to keep an eye on, but definitely not one that will challenge Blissey's outright ridiculous stats, unfortunately...
Type: Grass
Ability: Mischievous Heart/Slip Through
Evolves from: Monmen (Sun Stone)
Supposed Stats: HP- 60; Atk- 67; Def- 85; Sp.A- 77; Sp.D- 75; Spd- 116
This is a cute little Pokemon that has the cottony cuteness of Mareep. (who we all love!)
Unfortunately, its stats paint it more as a Pokemon that would focus on inflicting status effects, rather than anything else, since its attacking stats are pretty low, and its HP isn't that impressive, either. It kind of has a Jumpluff thing going for it, only without the 4x weakness to Ice-types.
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Own Tempo
Evolves from: Churine (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 70; Atk- 60; Def- 75; Sp.A- 110; Sp.D- 75; Spd- 90
Something that this Pokemon reminded me of in its design is Bellossom. I don't know about anyone else, but I thought Bellossom was a pretty cute Pokemon, and I have to say, I kind of feel the same way about Doredia.
Sure, she may not be as bulky as Bellossom is (I think?), but she is a strong Grass-type Special Attacker, with a strong Special Attack stat with a good Speed stat. She'll be up there with the likes of Sceptile and Roserade, no doubt.
Type: Ground
Ability: Intimidate/"Earthquake Spiral"
Evolves from: Warubiru (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 95; Atk- 117; Def- 70; Sp.A- 65; Sp.D- 70; Spd- 92
I'm glad that Meguroko's evolutions actually look pretty good, though I have to say I'm a little surprised to see it bipedal in both evolved forms, though I suppose if it can happen to Pokabu, it can happen to anyone. But unlike Pokabu, Warubiaru doesn't look stupid.
I'm really glad that my prediction of Meguroko's Pokemon potentially being fast, so as to take advantage of the new ability was correct, because there is no doubt in my mind that this will become a popular Pokemon people use online, in Generation V.
Type: Psychic/Flying
Ability: Miracle Skin/Magic Guard
Evolves from: N/A
Supposed Stats: HP- 72; Atk- 58; Def- 80; Sp.A- 103; Sp.D- 80; Spd- 97
This is a pretty creepy Pokemon, based on a Nazca Bird. (google it) I find it a little funny that the tip of its 'head' kind of looks like some form of Unown stuck to its head, or something.
Based on stats, probably a Pokemon you won't see very often online, which is a shame, because it looks like a pretty cool Pokemon. We'll just have to see what its moves are like...
Type: Water/Rock
Ability: Solid Rock/Sturdy
Evolves from: Purotoga
Supposed Stats: HP- 74; Atk- 108; Def- 133; Sp.A- 83; Sp.D- 65; Spd- 32
A prehistoric turtle? Heck yes! Its kind of in the design of an Archelon; a prehistoric sea turtle that was said to live during the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. Your history lesson of the day, people!
No doubt this one will be a defensive Pokemon, but with an understandable ability to hit back. Just look at that Attack stat! Makes Bastiodon look like a joke...
Type: Rock/Flying
Ability: Weak-Kneed
Evolves from: Aken
Supposed Stats: HP- 75; Atk- 140; Def- 65; Sp.A- 112; Sp.D- 65; Spd- 110
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the design of this Pokemon; its based off of a Archaeopteryx; the earliest bird known from the late Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era. Though to be fairly honest, I'm surprised they haven't used dinosaurs like the Triceratops, T-Rex or Velociraptor, yet. Maybe next time, eh? But anyway, I just have to say I love this Pokemon.
I just hope that bad-sounding ability, Weak-Kneed, doesn't cripple its uses... because it would suck if it worked like Slow Start and halved its Speed for a few turns. I wouldn't mind if it doubled the effectiveness of Speed stat reductions, but based on its Attack stat, I have a bad feeling about this new Ability...
Type: Dark
Ability: Illusion
Evolves from: Zorua (Level 30)
Supposed Stats: HP- 60; Atk- 105; Def- 60; Sp.A- 120; Sp.D- 60; Spd- 105
Its another fox Pokemon. Did you expect me to say anything more on it? xD I was a bit dubious with the design early on, but it has come to grow on me, now that I've had time with it. I'm just really pissed off that its an Event Pokemon, and if I get the Japanese versions of the games, I'll not have the opportunity of getting one for lack of having both Celebi and any of the Shiny Johto Trio... *sighs*
It has good Speed and great attacking power. The only problem is its really frail and would probably go down very easily... which again begs the damn question as to why its a freaking Event Pokemon...!
Type: Normal
Ability: Cute Charm/Technician
Evolves from: Chiramii (???) (yes, I will continue to call it Chiramii)
Supposed Stats: HP- 75; Atk- 95; Def- 60; Sp.A- 65; Sp.D- 60; Spd- 115
Its a pretty crazy, but absolutely cute evolution for Chiramii. The downside is there's only the small changes to the original Chiramii sprite that have been made, kind of making it look like a lazy edit to make the Pokemon's evolution. I love its tail-scarf, though.
If this Pokemon gets Fake Out, it will, without a doubt, become the next Ambipom. I still love it, though.
Type: Water/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Pigeon Heart
Evolves from: Koaruhii (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 75; Atk- 87; Def- 63; Sp.A- 87; Sp.D- 63; Spd- 98
I still like the design of Swana. Its basic form has the whole 'Ugly Duckling' thing going for it, only for it to evolve into the amazing Swan Pokemon we see here.
Its just a shame those stats aren't all that impressive... but looking back, I should have expected no less from Game Freak to shat on the Water/Flying-types to keep Gyarados the arguable best of them all.
Type: Normal/Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Herbivore
Evolves from: Shikijika (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 80; Atk- 100; Def- 70; Sp.A- 60; Sp.D- 70; Spd- 95
When I first saw Mebukijika, I instantly said, "THAT is a Pokemon I well and truly want!". It just looks absolutely awesome and I love its designs for the different seasons, too.
Thankfully the Grass-type has a bit more leeway when it comes to physical moves, so Mebukijika should have no problem picking up pace in battles, in part thanks to its good Speed, as well.
Type: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compoundeyes/Anxiety
Evolves from: Bachura (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 70; Atk- 77; Def- 60; Sp.A- 97; Sp.D- 60; Spd- 108
I had concerns this Pokemon would look like Ariados, based on how it looked from the back. Thankfully unfounded, as this Pokemon has a 'unique' face to it... and looks really freaking awesome.
This Pokemon is going to be the raep of Gyarados. Sure, its attacking stats aren't that amazing and its defenses are a bit crap... but look at its abilities. Anxiety stops your opponent from using berries... meanding that with its 108 base Speed, Denchura is going to rip the crap out of any Water/Flying or 4x Bug weakness Pokemon like Cacturne. This is the era where Gyarados will more likely than not be carrying Focus Sashes people, so you HAVE been warned...
Type: Electric
Ability: Levitate
Evolves from: Shibibiiru (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 85; Atk- 115; Def- 80; Sp.A- 105; Sp.D- 80; Spd- 50
Another Electric-type? Yes please. This has a pretty interesting design-- it looks like an Eel, but also kind of like a leech or something. It was a Pokemon that I certainly ended up liking based on how it looks, and hopefully I'll get to use one during the games, whenever I manage to get them.
Its great attacking stats and decent defenses make it a pretty nice Pokemon-- but it does falter on Speed, falling worse off than Ampharos by 5 points. (if I remember correctly) Still, with Levitate, it can switch in comfortably on most Ground-types/Earthquakers, so long as Mold Breaker isn't in play.
Type: Dragon
Ability: Mold Breaker/Rivalry
Evolves from: Onondo (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 76; Atk- 147; Def- 90; Sp.A- 60; Sp.D- 70; Spd- 97
Beast. A Dragon-type Pokemon with axe blades at the side of its face. What's not to like!? One of the only Dragon-types of the 'big guns' that boasts no 4x Weaknesses, and its design is pretty awesome.
With a 147 Attack stat, Ononokusu is no doubt going to be a contender on Smogon for Uber as soon as the Pokemon are assessed. I'll still use it though, if I want to... because Smogon can kiss my shiny --
Type: Ice
Ability: Snow Cloak
Evolves from: Kumashun
Supposed Stats: HP- 95; Atk- 110; Def- 80; Sp.A- 70; Sp.D- 80; Spd- 50
What a cool Pokemon. Obviously, this is essentially the Ursaring of Generation V, and its basic form, Kumashun, is soooo damn cute... erm... anyway, its based on a polar bear, obviously... so... enjoy? xD
Great Attack stat and good defensive potential, helping to make that weak Speed just a mild annoyance to those who prefer fast Pokemon.
Type: Fighting
Ability: Inner Focus/regeneration
Evolves from:Kojofuu
Supposed Stats: HP- 65; Atk- 125; Def- 60; Sp.A- 95; Sp.D- 60; Spd- 105
I don't often like Fighting-types, because of how they tend to look; Machamp is a prime example of a Fighting-type I really dislike, but Kojondo is one that I really like the design of. It makes a difference for me to find a Fighting-type Pokemon that I legitimately like the look of, and I hope its a trend that Game Freak continue with for some of their Fighting-types-- JUST NOT IN THEIR FIRE-TYPE STARTERS!!!
A strong rival for Lucario, boasting a lack of a x2 weakness to itself, which Lucario has. A bit on the frail side, though, which seems to be a recent trend for attacking Pokemon, lately...
Type: Dragon
Ability: Rough Skin/Encourage
Evolves from: N/A
Supposed Stats: HP- 77; Atk- 120; Def- 90; Sp.A- 60; Sp.D- 90; Spd- 48
An interestingly designed and typed Pokemon-- despite having obvious wings, it seems to not have the Flying-type, which makes me wonder if it can actually fly, or if those wings are just for decoration.
Its unfortunately EXTREMELY slow-- roughly around the Speed Shelgon is, I think... and that kind of harms it. But it does come with some pretty decent defenses, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem, in-use.
Type: Normal
Ability: Reckless/Herbivore
Evolves from: N/A
Supposed Stats: HP- 95; Atk- 100; Def- 95; Sp.A- 40; Sp.D- 95; Spd- 55
Afrobull... who wouldn't like that? On top of that, it also comes with an Afro-Attack, which is frikking hilarious. Looks too much like Tauros, though...
Its really slow, which is something Tauros can't say. But it does have some good defensive stats, which Tausor also can't boast, I think.
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Encourage
Evolves from: Washibon (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 100; Atk- 123; Def- 75; Sp.A- 57; Sp.D- 75; Spd- 80
My favourite Flying-type of this Generation. It comes from the cutest basic form I've ever seen in Pokemon. Definitely one to get into use, when I find it.
It has a great Attack stat, but only an average Speed stat. Its HP stat is pretty good, though, and with its decent defenses, it should have some staying power in battle.
Type: Bug/Fire
Ability: Flame Body
Evolves from: Meraruba (???)
Supposed Stats: HP- 85; Atk- 60; Def- 65; Sp.A- 135; Sp.D- 105; Spd- 100
This Pokemon is just really awesome. Not only is it the first Fire/Bug-type Pokemon, its also one of the best Fire-type Pokemon out there! I'm just really glad that, in spite of what happened to Pokabu, there are still some Pokemon out there that are of the Fire-type and look great.
135 base Special Attack, 105 base Special Defense and 100 base Speed. Were it not for the devastating blow that Stealth Rocks would do to this Pokemon, it would be one hell of an awesome upper hand to Fire-types. Its still one I'll end up using though, and is probably the best Bug-type I've seen, too. Scizor will get raeped by this one, hands down.
Overall, this Generation is looking good, as far as I'm concerned. Though I have to say the Legendary Pokemon are looking a little weak. If you feel up to it, please do leave your opinions on the Generation V Pokemon in the comments; it'd be nice to actually get some comments with others' opinions on here, for a change. ^^
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